First Day in Houston

This morning was our first morning in Houston. Last night as we got closer and closer, my heart got heavier and heavier. I sensed anxiety building.

View from our hotel in downtown Houston, TX.

View from our hotel in downtown Houston, TX.

The last 5 or 6 days had been really good. I was feeling really encouraged. But last night was a rough patch. I tried to cling to my faithful, Heavenly Father. But still anxiety weighed on me. Strangely, I was not very talkative with Amy. A battle was starting to rage. I knew I wanted to be courageous. Amy and I just laid together on the bed and were quiet. Just resting in her arms, I started to calm down. The Lord was comforting me. I had a good night’s rest. We slept in until 7:30 a.m.

Funny thing happened with the hotel room. Our room number is 515. Ephesians 5:15 came to mind. I wonder if it is our instructions for the day.

It says: “Be very careful then how you live, not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity.”  

This verse is an invitation to be ultra observant of all that is going on all around me. I want to see the way Jesus sees today. The “how I live” phrase summons me to live. Carpe Diem might be overused phrase, but Amy and I want to live as much life as we can in however many days I get. Being wise describes the God-oriented life. Wisdom is learning and adopting the heart of God. God is always instructing in wisdom. Therefore, we ought to listen for the Voice.

Lastly, let me talk about this phrase, “making the most of every opportunity.” There are going to be situations coming up that are unique opportunities to speak for the Lord. Maybe a chance to give love to someone, maybe a chance to offer hope to a downcast person, maybe a word of gratitude that needs said. I want to be that mouthpiece!

Maybe Ephesians 5:15 provides guidance for all of us today?