What do we do with our pain from John’s passing? It’s painful for us all. Let’s continue walking together on this journey.
John was buried in Columbia Cemetery on June 2, 2020 by his best friends and family. We gathered together to pay tribute to his memory and the work of Christ in his life. We will see you soon, John!
Memorial service at The Crossing Church on June 2, 2020 for John Drage. We honor John who was a husband, father, pastor, and friend to thousands. His legacy for Christ will never be forgotten.
When it comes time for our lives to end, what do we want to have given our lives to? As this cancer weakens my body I have been reflecting on what is truly important. My health is declining quickly these past few weeks and I am leaning more and more into Jesus.
It has been over a month now that I have been fighting corona. Things are hard and I have my good days and my bad days. The quarantine has been quite difficult, but we continue to push on and trust God in all this.
When I was 15 years old God used my shop teacher, Mr. King, to introduced me to Jesus. Mr. King recently visited and we got to relive the 38 year-old story! My life has been forever changed.
Last week I got to spend an incredible weekend with my friends at H2O church in Bowling Green, Ohio! What a privilege it was to share my story of faith in terminal brain cancer!
These 4 word pictures are a summary of the Good new of the Gospel in Jesus Christ! 1. Accept the gift 2. Say I do 3. Cross the bridge 4. Surrender!
Thank you Mike Tiesenga and Amateur Astronauts Stories for this amazing highlight video of the race two weeks ago! It was such an amazing time with close family and friends!
When we read the Bible let's ask a few questions! What does the text say (observation)? What does it mean (interpretation)? What do I do in response to the text (application)?
Denver 9News covered my story on July 20th. Can’t wait to race in one week in Ohio!
Every two months I get an MRI to check for any further cancer growth. On July 20th the MRI shows no further growth!
Hebrews 11 highlights some incredible stories of faith in the Bible. God is still at work today! What story is He telling through you?
In just over 4 weeks I am running Iron Man Ohio in Delaware, Ohio on July 28th. I am feeling strong and encouraged. My son Josh, brother Chris, niece Callie, and good friend Eric are racing with me. Can't wait!
My son, Caleb, just got married today to his beautiful girl Renée. I am so happy and proud of him!
Today, May 27 2019, marks 30 years that Amy and I have been married!
A rubber band is not doing its job until it is stretched. All growth happens when we exit the comfort zone and enter the stretch zone. I am learning this all over again in a new way!
Today, April 30, I have completed Phase 1 of my glioblastoma Cancer treatment. 30 radiations. 42 doses of chemo therapy. 4 immunotherapy infusions.
One of the greatest needs of everyone is the need to be heard. The best lovers are those who listen the best. Let’s slow down and be the best listeners!
The Word of God has unquestionably changed my life. Let’s memorize it and let it change us from the inside out!
I am terminal with Glioblastoma brain cancer. But previous to cancer I was still terminal. Death has always been the great enemy, everyone dies. But it all changed after Jesus died, came back to life, and beat death!
My 20th radiation treatment was today. As I look back over the past few weeks I am thankful for so many things!
A number of years ago I read a study that asked 90-year-olds the question, “what would you do differently if you could live life over again”? Their response was to reflect more and to risk more.
This cancer is the biggest trial of my life. The idea of being joyful amidst a trial sounds pretty crazy! It is only possible when you realize that the God of the universe has a plan and He is up to something beautiful!
I want my life legacy to point to Jesus because He is worth it!
Amy and I ran the 5k Head for the Cure in Columbia last weekend. What an amazing time meeting other cancer survivors and fighting brain cancer by raising awareness!
Everybody can recognize a taker when they see one. Let's, instead, go be great givers! Look with me here at the three A's- Attention, Affirmation, and Awkward.
I don't know how much longer I have on Earth. In this season of a heavy heart, I will earnestly seek Jesus.
On Wednesday, February 20th, 2019 I was diagnosed with Glioblastoma brain cancer. The news has turned my world upside down. I am currently undergoing treatment at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston with my wife Amy until April 24th. My prognosis is terminal but I have put my hope in things above. My life is now in the hands of God.
One of John's good friends, Doug Reynolds, shares his story with John of how he came to faith in Jesus. This was just days before John's passing and he was so encouraged to hear Doug's story.