Update: Next Steps in Cancer Treatment
Family together the day before the surgery at Shortwave Coffee.
What a tumultuous last 9 days it has been! All the recent planning and life chance has proved to be quite a roller coaster of emotions. Physically I am back to normal. I have worked out nearly every day this week, swimming 2700 and 2000 yards the last 2 days! Spiritually I am mostly up and encouraged, I sense the nearness of God in big ways. I have vision, I am hopeful, and I am grieving the loss of the plans I had for the rest of my life.
I am also deeply grieving for my family the the change that this brings for their future. Emotionally we are simultaneously sad and joyful. Joyful could sound strange to some, but I am truly joyful. God is still my faithful lover and King. Our sadness is deeply real. I fought fear hard core for a few hours Thursday. It happened right after we scheduled my first cancer treatment appointment at MD Anderson. The realization that I have cancer sunk in deeper than ever. It was scary.
We did choose a cancer care provider. Amy and I will drive to Houston, TX to MD Anderson on Monday afternoon. It is the most prestigious cancer hospital in the world. Go look them up here. I will see Dr. Rebekah Harrison on Wednesday, March 6. Our 3 criteria for choosing a cancer doctors has always been: 1) innovative, 2) integrative and 3) teamwork oriented. We deeply sense that Jesus led us here. I could write 1000 words to describe the story behind it, but I’ll spare you the read. :)
A meal of only steak, Drage style! And also Keto friendly.
In addition to all that, I began the Keto diet (no carbohydrates) to starve the cancer of sugar. We have been told by many that brain cancer cells especially thrives on glucose, so why not give it a try in addition to the chemo and radiation I will receive next week? The simple idea is to starve the cancer of its food. So many people have been nudging us on this. Today is my 6th day of Keto and I am feeling descent now.
Prayer Requests:
Amy and I are looking at these 7 upcoming weeks in Houston as a second honeymoon (with cancer treatments). Pray we do that well and enjoy each other.
That we continue to listen for Jesus’ leading as we get to Texas.
That we learn new rhythms of rest and quietness before we come home.
We have been blown away by your constant support over that last two weeks, especially with the launch of johndrage.com yesterday. We are humbled to read all your personal notes and encouraging stories. If you haven’t already, please subscribe to future updates (below), or add me on Instagram or Facebook.
Again, the purpose of this site is to host my authentic thoughts and reflections in real time as I walk through this tough season of fighting brain cancer. I would love nothing more than to do it together!