Medical Updates
As John lives out his final days we reflect as a family about his impact and his assurance of the future. He is absolutely at peace to where his soul is going and does not feel ripped off by his seemingly unfortunate circumstances. We love you John!
These past couple weeks have been especially hard. As it seems these may be my last days and weeks I continue to praise God for who He is and what He has done. The Lord has a good plan and we can trust Him with our whole hearts.
Yesterday I had some type of episode (quite possibly a seizure) where I fell unconscious for under a minute and went to the hospital shortly after. I am now back home and enjoying time with all my kids home for the weekend.
After 6 weeks of corona our tests are finally negative.
This cancer is having it's affects on my body but I remain to trust in the Lord's good plan for my life.
It has been over a month now that I have been fighting corona. Things are hard and I have my good days and my bad days. The quarantine has been quite difficult, but we continue to push on and trust God in all this.
Yesterday, I met virtually with my cancer doc to determine a plan for the future. I am currently off all cancer treatments to let my body focus on beating corona and pneumonia. Our hope is to find and begin a new and better chemo later this spring.
Today is a fighting day. Corona has caused me to develop viral pneumonia and I am praying this may pass in a week or so. Despite this sickness and our quarantine we are staying encouraged and positive. Amy is already feeling much better and she believes she is on the tail end of the sickness. We will also get back the other tests from the kids later today to see if it has spread to them.
I am out of the hospital and back home with my family. I got diagnosed with coronavirus and viral pneumonia. We are fighting!
Here are some thoughts on the Coronavirus and how it relates to my cancer.
Update on my cancer treatment. Also, thank you SO SO much for the special tribute service last weekend. Huge blessing!
Video update on my cancer treatment.
Update on my cancer treatment here in Houston. I am doing radiation on my back and stated a new chemo called Avastin. The chemo is making me a little tired but I can feel it attacking the cancer in my body and I have peace and energy.
Amy and I just came back down to Houston to start radiation treatment for my newly diagnosed Leptomeningeal Disease (which is the Glioblastoma spreading down into my spinal fluid). With ten treatments to come I will be getting back to Columbia January 29.
Cancer has spread into my spinal fluid. This is really bad news. We will start further treatment with MD Anderson as soon as possible. We need prayer now more than ever.
The surgery was 10 days ago now. I am recovering slower than I did last February after the first one, which is what the doctors expected. Here are some of the things I am dealing with currently.
I just met with my neurosurgeon in Columbia. After looking at my MRI he noticed a few more 'spots' that are probable to be tumor growth. Surgery is now scheduled for Thursday, December 19 in Columbia.
Today we received bad news that the “spot” from last month’s MRI has doubled in size.
This was another MRI day. I thought the doctors would see nothing and we would fly home happy to have seen nothing on the screen. That was not how today played out.
Friday, September 14, was an MRI day for me. Every two months for the rest of my life I will probably have a scan of my brain to see if a tumor is growing. Great news!
Every two months I get an MRI to check for any further cancer growth. On July 20th the MRI shows no further growth!
Phase 1 of my cancer treatment at MD Anderson consisted of 30 radiation treatments, 42 chemotherapies, 3 immunotherapy infusions, thousands of prayers, beginning the Keto diet and lots of exercise. I am now on phase 2.
As of May 24 I have no tumor growing in my head! This is huge and the doctors are very pleased. Now I will start phase 2 of treatment, continuing with chemo and immuno therapy.
Today, April 30, I have completed Phase 1 of my glioblastoma Cancer treatment. 30 radiations. 42 doses of chemo therapy. 4 immunotherapy infusions.
We are in full swing doing cancer treatment here at MD Anderson in Houston, Texas. Look with me here at the 6 types of warfare we are waging on this Glioblastoma Cancer.
An update on my treatment plan over the last week at MD Anderson. Next week I start radiation, chemo, and immunotherapy clinical trial. Here we Go!
Update on John’s future cancer treatment plan and a reflection of the emotionally charged last two weeks.
On Feb. 20, 2019, I was told I have terminal Glioblastoma brain cancer. Our doctors call it the meanest and nastiest of all cancer.
John Drage, who pastored The Rock Campus Church at Mizzou for 30 years, died Friday at his home in Columbia, after a yearlong battle with brain cancer. He was 53. He wanted college students to know the love of Christ, and thousands of those students called him a mentor, encourager and friend. He is survived by his wife, Amy, and four children, Josh (Emily) Drage, Jessie (Zac) Siems, Caleb (Renee) Drage, and Than Drage.